Hearts of Iron 4 is a very complex game about the Second World War where you get to control one country and win it all. As you play around with a country, you might consider changing who you are leading mid-game.
In most Paradox Interactive games, that wouldn’t be a problem if you weren’t playing Ironman Mode, as you could just load the save file and switch your country. However, loading the game in HOI4 will just get you right into the fight.
Recommended Read: Hearts of Iron 4 – Ottoman Empire Guide
If you ever wanted to make your campaign more interesting, changing countries mid-game could really help you in creating an interesting scenario.
To change your country in HOI4, you will have to open the console command and use the “tag” cheat to switch to the country you want. There is no other way to change countries in HOI4.
Table of Contents
How to Change Your Country in HOI4
To change your country in Hearts of Iron 4, you will first need to make sure that you aren’t playing an Ironman mode game. While playing in Ironman mode, you can’t use the cheat console.
Here is exactly what you need to do to change your country in HOI4:
- While in-game, press the ~ button on your keyboard.
- Write the command “tag [country tag]”, changing the [country tag] with an actual tag.
- Press Enter.
All the countries in HOI4 have a special country tag that allows you to switch to them. For example, Germany has the GER country tag.
So, if you wanted to switch to Germany, you would write the command “tag GER” without the quotation marks and press Enter to change.
To help you easily change your country without too many complications, here is a list of all the countries and country tags in HOI4.
All of the major countries are bolded to help you find them easily.
- Afghanistan – AFG
- Albania – ALB
- Argentina – ARG
- Australia – AST
- Austria – AUS
- Belgium – BEL
- Bhutan – BHU
- Bolivia – BOL
- Brazil – BRA
- British Malaya – MAL
- British Raj – RAJ
- Bulgaria – BUL
- Chile – CHL
- China – CHI
- Colombia – COL
- Communist China – PRC
- Costa Rica – COS
- Cuba – CUB
- Czechoslovakia – CZE
- Denmark – DEN
- Dominican Republic – DOM
- Canada – CAN
- Dutch East Indies – INS
- Ecuador – ECU
- El Salvador – ELS
- Estonia – EST
- Ethiopia – ETH
- Finland – FIN
- France – FRA
- French Indochina – FRI
- Germany – GER
- Greece – GRE
- Guangxi Clique – GXC
- Guatemala – GUA
- Haiti – HAI
- Honduras – HON
- Iran – PER
- Iraq – IRQ
- Ireland – IRE
- Italy – ITA
- Japan – JAP
- Hungary – HUN
- Romania – ROM
- Latvia – LAT
- Liberia – LIB
- Lithuania – LIT
- Luxembourg – LUX
- Manchukuo – MAN
- Mengkukuo – MEN
- Mexico – MEX
- Mongolia – MON
- Nepal – NEP
- Netherlands – HOL
- New Zealand – NZL
- Nicaragua – NIC
- Norway – NOR
- Oman – OMA
- Panama – PAN
- Paraguay – PAR
- Peru – PRU
- Philippines – PHI
- Poland – POL
- Portugal – POR
- Saudi Arabia – SAU
- Shanxi – SHX
- Siam – SIA
- Sinkiang – SIK
- South Africa – SAF
- Soviet Union – SOV
- Spain (Nationalist) – D01
- Spain (Republican) – SPR
- Sweden – SWE
- Switzerland – SWI
- Tannu Tuva – TAN
- Tibet – TIB
- Turkey – TUR
- United Kingdom – ENG
- United States – USA
- Uruguay – URG
- Venezuela – VEN
- Xibei San Ma – XSM
- Yemen – YEM
- Yugoslavia – YUG
- Yunnan – YUN
How to See the Country Tag for a Country
All countries have relatively easy country tags that you can guess on your own. However, some countries, like Iran, for example, have tags that don’t have their name in the tag (PER).
The best way to see what country tag a country has in HOI4 to change into it is to use the debug cheat. Just open the command console, write “debug”, and press Enter.
Now, right-click on a country and hover over its flag in the upper left corner.
You will now see their current tag, which is the one you will want to use to change into their country, or maybe annex them, or use any other cheats that need country tags.
If you want to get rid of the information you are now seeing due to the debug command, just open the console again and enter the debug cheat again to remove it.
That’s everything you need to know about how to change the country in Hearts of Iron 4!
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